Thursday, 24 February 2011

Final Character Costumes

Stuart's Final Costume

Stuarts costume matched the one designed for him in every way but one. His footwear was intended to be either formal black shoes or converses. Though not necessary apparent within the final costume photograph Stuart actually has black boots. His jeans cover the head of the boots making them seem to be black formal shoes, such as we desired. The reason Stuart’s footwear was changed was simply due to the fact we couldn’t find the desired look in the correct sizes leading us to find the alternative solution.

Bob's Final Costume

Bob’s outfit was perfect apart from a small minute colour changes to his costume. The shoes we desired was an almost violet green, however, like Stuart we had to change these due to not being able to find violet green ‘DC’ trainers. Luckily Bob had some ‘DC’ trainers already leading us to conclude the best costume would be for a colour change of his shoes. Also at the time of filming Bob has a bandaged finger due to an operation. This unplanned prop helped Bob’s costume as it stood out and could be connoted as him having medical problems, something stereotypically link with geek culture.

Stacey's Final Costume

Stacey’s outfit had several big changes from the draft plan, especially regarding her footwear. The pink vest we desired her to have turned into a long sleeve pink shirt. The reason for this changed was due to not being able to find a pink vest that fitted our actor Paige leading us to find the nearest match possible.  The pink shirt still worked however as it clearly still shows her figure.  She wore the jeans we intended and bracelets we wanted. Stacey's shoes were intended to be pink high hills. However, due to her feet being out of the frame we allowed the actress to wear plain black plimsolls as she felt more comfortable and confident with them.

Tom's Final Costume

  Tom has the most changes made to his costume, making his draft costume set seem pointless. However, we kept the small details such as the black fingerless gloves (though not shown on his initial outfit drawing) what connotes he has no fashion sense. We also kept the white socks connoting the same thing. The actor Harry supplied ‘Nike’ trainers that fitted Tom’s look. Harry also supplied us with jeans to small for him making it easier to tuck the socks around the jeans bottoms. However, we did not have a ‘superman’ belt or shirt. We decided due to the fact Tom would be wearing a purple hoody over his shirt there was no need for us searching for one. Following this idea through we had Tom wear a tight purple shirt that reads ‘I’M IN MIAMI BITCH’ as it isn’t just humorous but also nerdy. To solve the belt dilemma we had Tom wear a batman belt as all we wanted to connote to the audience is that he’s a superhero fan, not just a superman one.

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