Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Final Locations

After considering all of our proposed locations and solving the problems that arised, we decided on the final locations to film at for our opening.

Stacey Munez's Room/Home 

Interior (Location 1)

Exterior (Location 2)

We chose the first location for Stacey's room as it was more girly than the other location and suited the character of Stacey more than the other room. There is also more filming space and lots of lighting available to ensure we created the look we want for our film. The location is also close to school and can be accessed nearly all the time.

The exterior of Stacey's home is the door from the other proposed location for Stacey's home. This is because if we filmed Stacey leaving her house at her room and then filmed Stuart in the living room of the same location, they would leave through the same door, confusing the audience. To solve this, Stacey will leave the house from this location which is also near to school and this will prevent confusion as to who lives where.

Bob Phillips' Room/Home



We chose this location for Bob's character as it's already got some of the props needed for his character and little is needed to portray the signifiers we need to the audience. The location is convenient, close to school and has enough space to film the necessary shots for his character. It's individual and also contrasts the other characters, giving him his own personal identity.

The exterior of the house is also individual, contrasting the characters. As it's the same location as the interior of the room and Stuart's room, this will save time when filming their characters. The house is also  situated off a main road allowing us to film there with few disruptions.

Stuart Thurgood's Lounge/Home



The location of the living room reflects the attitudes of Stuart's family and will add emphasis to the awkward moments when he is waiting to go to school. Little will be needed to change or be added to this room in order to signify Stuart's character to the audience and there is also plenty of natural light and room to film with a variety of camera angles if necessary.

The location for Stuart's living room and front door is the same location as Stacey's bedroom so time will be save from switching locations when filming each of the character's homes. The location is also near to school and other locations so little time will be wasted travelling from location to location. 

Tom Burges' Room/Home



The interior of Tom's room includes comic wallpaper and many other props which already signify to the audience the type of character Tom is and so few props will be needed to portray our character. However, as a girl's room, the irrelevant props will have to be removed so that it looks more like a boy's room. There is also enough space to film efficiently and lighting if needed, including a large window for natural light.

The location of Tom's room and home is close to other locations and school so less time will be needed in order to move from location to location. As a flat, this ensures that there will be next to no disruptions when filming the exterior of it and this will save us time and help us to meet our deadline.

The Street

Since this is where the three main geek characters will come together on their way to college, there needed to be several access points to the same road. This location has a road from each side connecting to one main road and there is plenty of space to film. It is also situated close to school and so time will be saved when travelling from location to location which is vital as we will be filming in several places.

Charlotte Morrison

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