After receiving feedback on our 2nd rough cut with the use of our alternative title sequence, we began to reconsider our generic challenge. The feedback we received was from Year 10's, Year 11's and Year 13's.
One piece of feedback that we recieved from a Year 13 student was that the titles appearing at the end of the opening resembled a TV show as opposed to a film opening sequence. This brought to our attention that this may affect the continuity of our opening and how our piece is interpreted by our audience and the examiner.
Another piece of feedback we recieved was from a Year 10 student who claimed that they did not understand the storyline or plot. This led us to the conclusion that the title did not appear in the right place, preventing the audience fropm seeing a connection between the female protagonist (Stacey Munez) and the film title (About A Girl). This prevented our audience from understanding the storyline of the film and the importance of the character Stacey.
In order to resolve this problem, we changed the order of our title sequence back to how we originally planned, and placed the title after the character Stacey is first introduced.
This feedback was useful as it allowed us to improve our opening based on other peoples' opinions and ideas and pick up on flaws that we as a group did not consider to be an issue. We are glad we made this decision as we agree with our feedback and find that the improved title sequence resembles a film opening more clearly and gives our audience more insight into the storyline of the film. We are also glad we made this change to our final cut as the risk of representing a trailer or TV show is no longer a problem and the continuity of our opening is more consistent.
Devon Dalton
Devon Dalton
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